Christian Education + Faith Formation
For the latest information on events and programming,
please see the photo carousel at the top of our “home” page,
our social media accounts, or the “calendar” page.
Contact the church office with questions about any of these programs.
We have educational opportunities for all ages on Sunday mornings.
During worship, after the children’s time, younger children (birth-kindergarten) are invited to join Ms. Rita and older children (1st grade-5th grade) are invited to join Ms. Rosie in the sanctuary classrooms for children’s Sunday school.
Youth (6th grade-12th grade) meet in the youth room downstairs from 11:00am-12:00pm with Katie Foster.
Adult Sunday school meets at McAlister’s Deli from 11:00am-12:00pm starting September 1.
The youth group (junior high and high school) meets on Sunday evenings at 5:00pm in the fellowship hall. The youth group is led by two MSU students, Bek and Maddie.
Throughout the year, the youth group joins together for service projects, like filling up Starkville Strong food pantries in the community, goes to retreats at Camp Hopewell, and much more. Above all, youth group at Trinity is an affirming space for more questions than answers, where all welcome exactly as they are.
We have regular and seasonal small groups.
Women’s bible study
Our women’s Bible study meets at 10:45am on the second Tuesday of every month. This year, we are using Horizons’ “Let Justice Roll Down.” Books can be purchased through our office for $10 each.
Salt Shakers
Salt Shakers is Trinity’s version of a supper club. Meeting two or three times a semester, hosts and groups rotate so that each person gets to know a variety of folks.